How can my organization build a strategy for supporting mental health in the workplace?

NAMI applauds your efforts to support employee mental health in the workplace. You may wish to start by learning about NAMI’s Stigma Free Workplace initiative, which is designed to promote mental health awareness, support, and community within organizations. The StigmaFree Workplace webpage lists numerous resources for employers and employees to prioritize mental health in the workplace. Notable resources include: 

The NAMI StigmaFree Workplace initiative invites you to join the StigmaFree movement by signing up here to become a StigmaFree Partner. 

You can find more resources for building a strategy that supports mental health in the workplace below:  

Hours of operation Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. EST 

Call: 800-950-NAMI (6264) 

Text: 62640 



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