What is self-care? How can practicing self-care help with my mental health?

What is self-care? 

Self-care is the practice of taking regular action to protect our well-being and happiness, especially in times of stress. 

Self-care is not just one action; it is the ongoing practice of choosing activities that help you care for your mental and emotional well-being. Some self-care practices apply to everyone and may seem obvious – get enough sleep, move your body throughout the day, and eat food that helps nourish and energize your body. However, most self-care practices are unique to each person, their needs, and their interests. 

What are some examples of self-care? 

  • The basics: get enough sleep, move your body throughout the day, eat food that helps nourish and energize your body 
  • Social support: lean on your people when you need help, open up about your hardships, strengthen personal and professional relationships 
  • Fun and play: laugh, play games, be silly, attend a sporting event, watch a comedy show, try something new  
  • Meaning and purpose: do things that make you feel connected to your values like volunteering your time or visiting your place of worship 
  • “You” things: choose activities that help you feel a sense of flow e.g., learning a new skill, creating art, weightlifting, making music, solving puzzles, woodworking, etc.  

How is self-care related to mental health? 

When you go through things like losing a loved one, getting laid off, or getting in a fight with a friend, it’s normal to feel stressed. Self-care helps protect your mental health from the effects of stress. When you regularly choose activities that help strengthen your physical health, emotional well-being, social support, and sense of purpose, it feels easier to bounce back when life hits you with the hard stuff. Regular self-care practice helps you to be resilient. 

What are some resources to help me practice self-care for my mental health? 

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Call: 800-950-NAMI (6264) 

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Webchat: www.nami.org/help  

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