I believe I/my loved one has been wrongfully convicted. Can NAMI help me appeal the sentence?
We appreciate how difficult it can be to navigate the legal system for those living with a mental health condition. However, NAMI volunteers are not legal professionals — and we cannot offer legal advice nor provide individual advocacy.
If you wish to appeal sentencing, it would be in your best interest to secure legal counsel that specializes in appellate law. Contact the American Bar Association to access its Find Legal Help service where you can locate the legal referral service for your area. In seeking counsel, you may wish to consider finding a lawyer that specializes in criminal Appellate law with experience representing individuals with mental health conditions.
Another resource is to contact your local NAMI Affiliate and request to attend free NAMI Connection or NAMI Family Support Groups. There, it’s possible to network with other families in the community about potential availability of local resources for legal assistance. To find your nearest NAMI Affiliate, click on your state through the Find Your Local NAMI menu.
Hours of operation Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. EST
Call: 800-950-NAMI (6264)
Text: 62640
Webchat: www.nami.org/help
Email: helpline@nami.org