What programs and resources does NAMI offer?
We hope you’ll reach out to the NAMI Affiliate serving your area for local resources and information. Additionally, our network of Affiliates offer free support groups, classes and other programs focused on mental health. Most importantly, there, you can be among peers in your community who face similar challenges living with or caring for a loved one with a mental health condition. Membership is not required. Please reach out to your local NAMI Affiliate or NAMI State Organization for information or registration on NAMI Programs in your area. Click here - Find Your Local NAMI - to locate the NAMI nearest you.
NAMI Programs include:
NAMI Family-To-Family a 12- or 8- session in-person education program that provides information, recovery strategies, and coping skills for family members supporting the recovery of a loved one with mental illness.
NAMI Basics (in-person) and
NAMI Basics OnDemand (online) are 6-session programs for parents, guardians or other allies of youth (age 22 or younger) who are experiencing mental health issues. The programs offer relevant information on the impact of mental illness on families, and the types of care and community services available. NAMI Basics is an in-person program and NAMI Basics OnDemand offers open enrollment online, completed at your own pace.
NAMI Family & Friends is offered as a 90-minute (or four-hour) seminar that informs people who have a loved one with mental illness how to best support them. Attendees have an opportunity to meet others in similar situations and gain community support.
NAMI Support Groups include:
NAMI Family Support Groups are structured, peer-led support groups for those supporting the recovery of a family member with mental illness.
NAMI Connection is a structured, peer-led support group for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a serious mental illness.

Hours of operation Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. EST
Call: 800-950-NAMI (6264)
Text: 62640
Webchat: www.nami.org/help
Email: helpline@nami.org