Where can I get help paying for my bills?
- Need Help Paying Bills is a website that highlights the many resources available, including assistance programs, charitable organizations, and resources that provide help paying bills, including rent assistance, utilities, debt relief (financial, rent, and government assistance), and much more.
- findhelp.org by Aunt Bertha is an online resource that connects users to free and reduced cost local resources such as medical care, food, job training, and much more.
- 211 is a nation-wide service that connects people to community resource specialists to find local resources, including employment, housing, food, medical & mental health clinics, etc. Callers can reach the service by dialing 211 from a mobile or landline phone, or by visiting their website at 211.org.
- HelpWhenYouNeedIt is an online service that connects users to over 350,000 listings nationwide of private and public resources for food pantries, stores that accept food stamps, assisted living facilities, domestic violence and homeless shelters, mental health & substance use treatment, free clinics, legal and financial assistance.
- Help with Bills provides information about government programs that help with bill payment, temporary assistance, jobs, unemployment, credit, etc. To reach their helpline, dial (844) USA-GOV1.
- Feeding America offers a zip-code based directory of food banks in the US for individuals in need.
Hours of operation Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. EST
Call: 800-950-NAMI (6264)
Text: 62640
Webchat: www.nami.org/help
Email: helpline@nami.org