Where can I get help finding a job?
You may wish to begin by consulting the information on NAMI’s website that discusses succeeding at work. The following organizations may be of help in finding employment:
- Your State Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Office is a government agency that assists individuals living with disabilities to gain and maintain employment. The Employee Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) maintains a comprehensive list of vocational rehabilitation agencies in the U.S.
- SourceAmerica is the leading source of job opportunities for people with significant disabilities. Their website offers a “Nonprofit Agency” locator tool to find agencies in the SourceAmerica network.
- abilityJOBS is billed as the “largest job site for people with disabilities.” The website provides a section for job seekers that allows individuals to search thousands of job opportunities.
- GettingHired is a resource that helps people connect with employers who are open to hiring people with disabilities.
- National Mental Health Consumer’s Self-Help Clearinghouse is a nationwide directory of local consumer-driven mental health services, including resources such as Clubhouses, crisis prevention/respite services, drop-in centers, employment resources, housing, and peer case management and support. These services can be found through their Directory of Local Consumer-Driven Services (CDS).
- JobsForFelonsHub is a web-based resource dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated populations find employment. Additionally, the website acts as a “one-stop-shop” for information and resources, including expungement services, employment services, housing, and legal representation, to name a few.
- findhelp.org by Aunt Bertha is an online service that connects users to free and reduced cost local resources nationwide such as medical care, food, housing, transportation and much more. The website is also offered in Spanish.
- Career One Stop is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor that provides resources and guides for career exploration, training, as well as jobs availability sorted by location and job type.
- Goodwill Services provide online training, live virtual classes, and virtual career development services at no cost to the individual. Also maintains on its website a list of national organizations and local organizations that are hiring. Job training and career services and employment opportunities are organized by location.
- Clubhouse International offers people living with mental illness opportunities for friendship, employment, housing, education and access to medical and psychiatric services in a single caring and safe environment. The website offers a Clubhouse Directory to 300 clubhouses in over 30 countries. You may wish to also contact your local NAMI Affiliate for an additional list of “Drop-in” centers or similar clubhouses in your area.
- Ticket to Work is a free and voluntary program offered by the Social Security Administration that helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence. Offers beneficiaries with disabilities access to meaningful employment with the assistance of Ticket to Work employment service providers called Employment Networks (EN). Individuals who receive Social Security benefits because of a disability and are age 18 through 64 probably already qualify for the program
To learn about accommodations at work, visit JAN, the Job Accommodation Network. JAN is the leading source of information on workplace accommodations and mental health employment issues. Their confidential expert guidance is available free of cost by contacting them at (800) 526-7234.
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Email: helpline@nami.org