Can I be paid to provide in home care to my loved one with a mental health disability?
Medicaid options to pay family members for in home care provided to loved ones is generally limited to those who provide elder care, although there are some states that provide payments for care provided to relatives with severe physical disabilities as well. There may also be states that permit reimbursement for families of people with intellectual disabilities, e.g. through Medicaid Home and Community Based Service waivers.
To the best of our knowledge, most if not all states currently do not reimburse family members for in home mental health care.
We would suggest that you contact your Medicaid state agency to find out whether in home care is covered and, if so, by whom and under what circumstances. You might also contact the Center for Medicaid Services Regional Office if they do not receive a response from the state agency.
We’re sorry we don’t have more definitive answers for you. This is a difficult issue and an example of the many barriers that have to be surmounted to achieve true equity in mental health care.
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