Tips for Facilitating NAMI Programming Online

Taming the Technology

This video shows you step-by-step how to handle some of the more common technology and production issues that you may encounter while offering your traditional in-person NAMI programming via online platforms. It also demonstrates some basic functions of the Zoom video conferencing platform. 

Leading NAMI Online Programming Effectively

This video explains the skills needed to effectively deliver NAMI programming online. It discusses some of the differences between leading programs in person verses the online environment and offers program leaders tips for using video conferencing technology with confidence.

Handling Emergencies in Online NAMI Programming

This video define what is, and is not, an emergency during online NAMI programming and provides the appropriate steps to respond to an emergency.

Handling Disruptive Behavior in Online NAMI Programming

This video defines three types of disruptive behaviors that can occur during NAMI online programming and provides program leaders with effective responses for each type of disruption.

Practicing Self-Care

This video offers online NAMI program leaders tips for practicing self-care.






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